Learn Renko Chart Trading

Renko Chart Method Trading
Learn Renko Chart Trading

Renko Chart Trading: Learning To Trade With Renko Charts

Learn about Renko chart trading and a method of price and momentum continuation strategies.


What Is Renko Chart Trading?


Renko chart trading is a method that uses price charts instead of traditional bars or candlesticks. A price chart is one that does not use time or volume. The Renko price chart forms bricks based on a constant setting size.


Therefore, all Renko bricks on the chart are the same size and minor moves or ones smaller than the setting size are not seen on the completed charts. Plotting bars or candlesticks only as a function of a time interval are eliminated.


Compared to traditional charts, price charts can give a clearer read of price movement, which is a benefit of Renko chart trading.

Renko Charts Are Clearer Than Candlestick Charts
Renko Chart Trading: Renko Charts Are Clearer Than Candlestick Charts

Along with Renko trading indicators, trade setups, and trade management, also learn Renko trade filters that are used to avoid trading at price support or resistance, inside of consolidation, or at price momentum extremes.

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Renko Trading Guide

Renko Chart Trading Setups And Trade Filters Guide
Renko Charts Trading

Renko Trading Guide: Learn The Basics Of Trading Renko Charts

Renko trading guide for learning the basics of day trading with Renko charts. This Renko guide will include discussions and videos for the different indicators, trade setups, and strategies that are used in our Renko method.


The Renko trading guide also discusses trade setup filters for price, momentum, and consolidation. A Renko filter has the objective of avoiding trades with lower odds due to certain chart conditions.

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Trading With Renko Charts

Renko Chart Strategies Or Candlestick Indicator Signals?
Trading Renko Charts

Renko Chart Strategies: Renko Indicators, Patterns, Trade Filters

Renko chart strategies, as opposed to trading indicator signals, is a more comprehensive approach to trading. Instead of trading signals mechanically, a Renko method combining multiple indicators or patterns into trade setups is more beneficial.


Renko setups that include both price continuation and price reverses will give a variety of trades a single signal will not capture. Additionally, the use of trade setup filters for avoiding lower odds conditions would not be done trading signals mechanically.

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Renko Trading Indicators: Momentum Trading Strategy
Trading Renko Charts

Renko Trading Indicators: The Best Indicators For Renko Charts

Customizing Renko indicators to work as day trading strategies in a method vs. trying to use ‘canned’ indicators from your charting program.


Develop your Renko indicators to work with the charts you have identified to have the best price moves while avoiding consolidation. Also, combine your indicators into trade setups, in contrast to mechanically trading indicator signals.

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Renko Day Trading - Trade Long Or Short Without A Bias To Trends
Trading Renko Charts

Renko Day Trading: Charts, Indicators, and Strategies

Renko day trading uses a unique approach, the focus on price movement instead of time or volume. When combined with custom momentum indicators and strategies, traders have tools for capturing multiple shorter term price swings.


Before day trading with Renko charts it’s important to learn the Renko basics. You also want to understand different disadvantages that are written about these charts that just aren’t the case.

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Renko Chart Momentum Trading

Renko Chart Momentum Trading Indicators
Renko Chart Momentum

Renko Chart Momentum Trading Indicators And Trade Setups

Renko chart momentum trading strategies using indicators and trade setups based on momentum leading price direction and continuation. These trade setups show where momentum reverses and begins a new trading swing, along with momentum continuation on price retraces for swing addon trades.


Price and momentum extremes and divergences are then used to identify where the direction will end. These chart areas are often starting points for swing reversal trade setups

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Renko Charts Disadvantages And False Signals

Avoiding Renko Charts False Signals By Filtering For Support And Resistance Prices
Learn Renko Trading

Renko Charts False Signals: A Deeper Look

A more in depth look at the topic of Renko charts false signals. Do these potential signals come from not understanding price charts and trading strategies for using them in different market conditions, or are they inherent to the chart type.


Additionally, how do Renko charts compare to timeframe charts and generating false signals, especially during choppy and consolidating markets?

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Renko Chart Disadvantages - Is A Renko Price Only Chart A Con For Trading?
Learn Renko Trading

Renko Charts Disadvantages And Cons For Trading

If you do a search for Renko Chart Disadvantages you will find numerous articles on the drawbacks for using these charts in trading. But are these articles actually written by experienced traders that use Renko charts?


This article discusses these drawbacks and whether Renko charts are a con for day trading, especially compared to other chart types. And actually points out how 1 supposed disadvantage is actually an advantage and a pro for using these charts.

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Renko Trading Basics

Renko Trading Strategies

Renko Trading Group

Understanding Renko Charts

  • Renko Fast Market Chart Brick Speed
    Renko fast market charts are characterized by the rapid speed and formation of Renko bricks, where they are essentially formed simultaneously. The Renko bricks speed is so fast you are presented with an untradeable situation and one that should be avoided when possible. Candlestick timeframe charts are not an alternative [Read More]
  • Renko Charts Types And Trading Differences
    There are 2 Renko chart bricks types: the classic and the price wicks bricks. The primary differences are the classic chart shows completed bricks only, while the price wick charts show additional price movement. Although the additional price isn’t seen on the completed classic chart, real time all prices are [Read More]
  • How To Read Renko Charts
    Reading Renko charts takes you from fundamental analysis to technical analysis. You would key on price movement and price action for your day trading strategies. The Renko brick structure is effective for seeing price moves, patterns, and directional continuation or reversals.   Additionally, Renko charts can appear more clear for [Read More]

Renko Options Trading

  • Renko Options Selling For Income
    Renko chart options income strategies for selling options with 1 to 2 months to expirations. These are counter directional trades at price and momentum extremes as shown by the Renko slow momentum indicator.   Our Renko position trading is a combination method that also includes directional trades. These trades become [Read More]
  • Renko Chart Position Trading With Options
    Renko chart options position trading method for the SPY and QQQ. This Renko method uses either long options or synthetic underlying short-long options combinations for trades.   Renko chart options trading has large cost advantages over trading the SPY and QQQ, however there are also some downsides and risks with [Read More]
  • Renko Option Trade Review
    Renko option trade review for options position trading. The discussion will include multiple days of QQQ position trading, focusing on 2 trade types: using weekly options for making synthetic trades and selling out of the money monthly options for income.   There are 3 Renko options trade review videos. They [Read More]

Renko Chart Trading Strategies

  • Renko Chart Triangle And Price Breakouts
    A Renko chart triangle is a price compression pattern, meaning that the preceding swing high and low is followed by a lower high and higher low. Thus, you do not want to trade inside of a triangle pattern because there is flat momentum and no price continuation.   Trade the [Read More]
  • Renko Price Action Strategies For Price And Pattern Breakouts
    There are key trading differences between Renko price action and simple price movement or brick color changes. Price action pattern breakouts and momentum continuation are important Renko trading strategies.   Understand how price action helps anticipate the movement of price after a trade – will it breakout and continue or [Read More]
  • What Is The Best Renko Indicator
    Momentum indicators are the best Renko indicators for our trading strategies. And because Renko charts are price only charts, time or volume indicators are not considered.   But these Renko momentum indicators are made with different calculations and are used differently in our Renko trade setups. This is very important [Read More]

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