Renko Trading Strategy

Renko Day Trading Indicators Combination Strategies

Using a combination of Renko day trading indicators for your trade setups, instead of trying to find a single best trading indicator, will lead to more effective and profitable trading. I really haven’t seen a best indicator that could be traded mechanically as a system.

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Renko Trading Basics

Day Trading Renko Charts Instead Of Tick Bar Charts

Why Start Day Trading Renko Charts?

After many years of day trading tick bar charts, the decision to switch to day trading Renko charts was based on the clarity of the Renko bricks fixed price moves -vs- the irregular and random size of tick bars.


Additionally, besides the Renko charts method being simpler to trade than tick bar charts, it has also been clearer to teach other traders.

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What Is A Renko Chart
Renko Chart

What Is A Renko Chart And Making Renko Chart Bricks

A Renko chart is a type of chart that plots pre-determined fixed movements of price as Renko bricks. This chart type does not use time or volume and can help eliminate the ‘noise’ from other chart types. This additional chart clarity is a reason we use Renko charts for our day trading method.

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