Renko Trading Indicators: Momentum Trading Strategy
Trading Renko Charts

Renko Trading Indicators: The Best Indicators For Renko Charts

Customizing Renko indicators to work as day trading strategies in a method vs. trying to use ‘canned’ indicators from your charting program.


Develop your Renko indicators to work with the charts you have identified to have the best price moves while avoiding consolidation. Also, combine your indicators into trade setups, in contrast to mechanically trading indicator signals.

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Renko Chart Triangle And Price Breakouts
Renko Trading Strategies

Renko Chart Triangle: Triangle Pattern Breakout Strategy

A Renko chart triangle is a price compression pattern, meaning that the preceding swing high and low is followed by a lower high and higher low. Thus, you do not want to trade inside of a triangle pattern because there is flat momentum and no price continuation.


Trade the Renko chart triangle when you have a breakout setup through one of the pattern trendlines. This breakout will be a trendline triple break that tends to be followed by momentum expansion leading price.

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